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Rosie Cardoe DipNT CNM ANP 

Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, The College of Naturopathic Medicine

My Story

Always passionate about food, I spent 30 years in the catering industry as a private chef, teacher and home economist and finally running a chalet for 5 years in the Alps. I then decided to take this knowledge and further my understanding of nutrition.


I’ve always been a lover of good, healthy food but unfortunately in my youth I had a similar love for the not-so-healthy and a party lifestyle to boot! However, by the time I hit mid-life, I found it all began to catch up with my health. I suffered IBS symptoms, higher cholesterol and blood pressure readings, poor sleep, poor energy, low mood and weight gain.


So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and studied nutrition at the College of Naturopathic Medicine where I found the knowledge to turn around my lifestyle and diet. 


This led to some amazing changes to my health. 


I made some serious adjustments, and yet these additions and alternatives to my diet were surprisingly easy to achieve. I experienced first-hand the power that good nutrition can have, and I now have a toolkit of tactics and methods to keep my daily diet on track without feeling any hardship or cravings whatsoever.  


I now am looking forward to a happy, healthy older age - slimmer (one stone lighter as a by-product of eating well), fitter, happier and with more than enough energy and enthusiasm to share my knowledge of evidence-based healthy eating.


I’m here to help you do the same.


Initial Consultation

Follow-up Consultation

3 Month Programme

6 Month Programme

The initial consultation and follow up - 2 month programme - is perfect for those who need a nutritional reset and helping hand.

The three and six month programmes offer maximum support. — focused on healing and recovery.

They provide the time necessary to thoroughly explore underlying imbalances, make gradual changes and build new habits. The focus is firmly on your unique nutritional and lifestyle needs, in addition to helping you stay motivated to achieve your health goals.


They are ideal for more complex and long-lasting conditions as well as weight management.

Image by Sarah Elizabeth
"Rosie gave me some excellent strategies and health tips which have made switching to a better diet, so easy and enjoyable."


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